このレッスンは警察官先生。またまたZone Gのレッスン。彼のレッスンは余り新しい単語が出てこないし、ノートも取る事が少ない。
Duration of compulsory education
duration 継続期間、存続期間
compulsory education 義務教育
Total expenditure on education
expenditure 支出(額)、支払い、出費、費用、経費
Literacy-percentage of total population
literacy 識字能力
Percentage of students who report class disorder
disorder 無秩序、混乱、騒動
bullying 〔繰り返される〕弱い者いじめ
Main Language
_____ is much the same as _____
One thing that's changed a lot since my school days is _____
I would say that (standars in math) have (fallen) because _____