someone with common sense
same generation / similar age
more common ground / similar interests
sense of humor
lives in your area / proximity
proximity 近いこと、接近、近似、近接、近接性、近傍
それぞれBest Friendを思い浮かべて Main Languageを練習した。
I have a wide circle of friends.
⇔I have a close circle of friends
I prefer to have one or two close friends
We first met each other at university
I've known her for 14 years /since university
We're into (the same kinds of music).
Neither of us are (really that interested in politics).
We hit it off from the word go.
hit it off 仲良くする
from the word go 〈話〉初め[当初]から
We didn't hit it off from the word go.
The group dynamics changed and we became bestfriends.
We always have a laugh whenever we get together. (英・豪)
We don't always see eye-to-eye, but generally we get along fine.
He gets on my nerves sometimes.
We had a falling-out recently.
falling-out 〈話〉〔仲の良かった者同士の〕仲たがい、不和、けんか
We had an argument over something stupid.
We had an argument over something trivial.
trivial ささいな、取るに足りない、瑣末な
buddies (米)
mates (英、特に男性)
pals (特に年配)
chums (あまり使われない)

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